Powder spheroidized by WSP torch
Microstructure of alumina WSP coating (free-surface and cross-sections)
Thick alumina coating on a steel substrate
Detail of WSP alumina coating microstructure
Cross-section of free-standing layered Al2O3-Al composite. This type of microstructure may be used as induction heating element
Functionally graded W-stainless steel WSP coating on a steel substrate
Cross-section of WSP coating sprayed from suspension - YSZ ceramics on a smooth substrate
Free-surface of WSP coating sprayed from suspension - YSZ ceramics. Detail of splats (right)
Fully-dense FeAl sintered from powder by SPS
FeAl + Al2O3 composite prepared by SPS method
Microstructure of tungsten-steel composite prepared by SPS method
Microstructure of tungsten strengthened by Y2O3 nanoparticles. Prepared by SPS technology
Interface of bulk W and bulk steel bonded with a thin 50/50 mixed powder interlayer, sintered at 1100 °C
Fracture surface of WSP alumina coating
Fracture surface of FeAl+Al2O3 composite prepared by SPS method
Free-surface of WSP alumina coating
Free-surface of YSZ coating deposited from suspension with the hybrid WSP-H torch
Formation of oxides on free-surface of blasted Hastelloy X superalloy (uncoated) exposed to 980 °C for 100 hours (cooperation with University West, Sweden)
Residues of the glass solidifed on a surface of glass mixing component
Spot of high-voltage dielectric breakdown observed in Y2O3 coating sprayed by GSP (cooperation with Stony Brook University, USA)
Ca and Ti elemental map of CaCO3 + TiO2 powder mixture used for WSP suspension spraying (EDS-SEM)
Fracture surface of CoNiAl alloy prepared by SPS method
TEM and HR-TEM image of WSP EUCOR ceramic coating after annealing. Formation of nanocrystalline phase occurred
Cross-section of as-sprayed amorphous EUCOR ceramic coating deposited by WSP
Amorphous EUCOR ceramic splat deposited by WSP torch on a smooth substrate. Note the absence of cracks
Focused ion beam (FIB) cross-section through helium plasma-induced nanostructure "fuzz" on tungsten (cooperation with Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)