The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

Current Grant Projects



Project ID


Project Title
Principal (co-principal) Investigator from IPP




2024-2026 GA2410903S

Research on the formation of nanocavities with the subsequent formation and multiplication of electrons in water using laser-based diagnostics

RNDr. Milan Šimek, Ph.D.

2023-2027 101119988
Refurbishment and additive manufacturing accomplished by kinetic deposition (Re-MAKE)
doc. Ing. Jan Čížek, Ph.D.
Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering University of Nottingham IPP

European Laser Research Infrastructures serving Science and Industry (Laser4EU)

Ing. Miroslav Krůs, Ph.D. 
Aix-Marseille University IPP
2023-2027 101093261 Plasma Exascale-Performance Simulations CoE - Pushing flagship plasma simulations codes to tackle exascale-enabled Grand Challenges via performance optimisation and codesign
(David Tskhakaya, Dr.)
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
2023-2026 101096317 V4F
Ing. Miroslav Krůs, Ph.D.
Tampere University IPP
2023-2026 LM2023045

COMPASS – Tokamak for thermonuclear fusion research

prof. RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D.

2023-2026 LM2023045 Prague Asterix Laser System
Ing. Miroslav Krůs, Ph.D.
2023-2025 GA2308020S

Tomography of thin-film interfaces via random-pulse femtosecond sonar

RNDr. Petra Veselá, Ph.D.

2023-2025 GA2307563S
Boranes: Routes to inertial confinement of proton-boron fusion
Ing. Miroslav Krůs, Ph.D.
2023-2028 TN02000012 Center of Advanced Nuclear Technology II
Ing. Ivan Ďuran, Ph.D.
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen IPP
2023-2028 TN02000069

NCK MATCA II (National centre of competence for Materials, Advanced Technologies, Coatings and their Applications)

Mgr. Alan Mašláni, Ph.D.


2023-2027 101120555
Cultivating Leaders for Innovative Coatings and Additive Manufacturing Applications (CLICAM)
doc. Ing. Pavel Ctibor, Ph.D.
Trenčínská univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíně IPP, Vysoké učení technické v Brně
2022-2025 9D22001

Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon Europe through a joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium

Ing. Martin Hron, Ph.D.

IPP Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o., FJFI, MFF UK, ÚJF
2022-2024 GA2203950S

Plasma interaction with fusion reactor heat shield

Mgr. Jan Horáček, Ph.D. DSc.

2022-2024 GA2209296S

Tomography of defects in optical materials with 3D structured light

doc. RNDr. Karel Žídek, Ph.D.

2022-2024 GA2214048S

Microstructure development and multiplication of lattice defects in cold spray additive manufacturing

doc. Ing. Jan Čížek, Ph.D.

2022-2024 GA2221478S

High Enthalpy Hybrid Plasma Injection Deposition

Ing. Radek Mušálek, Ph.D.


Ultra-fast soft X-ray sensorics for spectral monitoring of high-temperature plasmas

Ing. Martin Imríšek, Ph.D.

IPP Czech Technical university in Prague
Cryogenic pump for high temperature tokamaks
Mgr. Jozef Varju, Ph.D.
IPP Ateko a.s.
2021-2024 TH75020001

Advanced coating substrate preparation by shifted and ultrafast laser texturing

Ing. Jiří Matějíček, Ph.D.

University of West Bohemia IPP
2021-2024 FW03010409

Development of a method of extremely high-speed laser cladding (EHSLC) of durable layers for exposed parts in the automotive, aerospace and energy industries

RNDr. Pavel Pintr, Ph.D.

LaserTherm spol. s r.o., COMTES FHT a.s. IPP
2021-2024 FW03010254

Development of the press moulding technology of precise optical elements

Ing. Martin Veselý

asphericon s.r.o. IPP
2021-2025 COST CA20114

Therapeutical applications of Cold Plasmas

Ing. Petr Lukeš, Ph.D.

2020-2024 COST CA19110

Plasma applications for smart and sustainable agriculture

Ing. Petr Lukeš, Ph.D.

2020-2025 TK03030070

MAgnetic Sensors for Thermonuclear Energy Reactors (MASTER)

Ing. Ivan Ďuran, Ph.D.

IPP Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o., ELCERAM a.s., PLASMA-TECHNOLOGIC s.r.o., University of West Bohemia
2020-2025 TK03030045

NeGeTun - New Generation of Tungsten Components for High Heat Loads in Fusion Devices

Mgr. Matěj Peterka

Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o. IPP, ÚJP Praha a.s.
2020-2024 TK03020027

Center of Energy and Environmental Technologies

Mgr. Alan Mašláni, Ph.D.

Technical University of Ostrava IPP
2019-2024 TK02030155

Membrane separation of carbon dioxide from flue gas and its subsequent use

Mgr. Alan Mašláni, Ph.D.


MemBrain s.r.o. IPP
2019-2024 GA1910246S

Deposition mechanisms and properties of multiphase plasma sprayed coatings prepared with liquid feedstocks

Ing. Radek Mušálek, Ph.D.