GOAL: Compact flexible device with a set of unique parameters to support the ITER operation and address the key challenges of the DEMO reactor design
Main features
- Closed divertor with high plasma and neutral density, high opacity, high PB/R
- Extreme power fluxes
- High magnetic field, access to advanced confinement modes
- Operation with hot first wall and full recycling regime
- designed to study and test of the liquid metal technology in the divertor for the power exhaust
Scientific programme
1. Conventional divertors
- Experimental demonstration of detached operation at ITER/DEMO relevant power fluxes
2. Edge plasma physics and confinement related activities
- Enhanced confinement modes (QH-mode, I-mode, negative triangularity)
- Low torque operation
- Disruption and RE physics (avoidance, mitigation, prediction, loads, etc.)
- Validation of theoretical models
3. Test of advanced PFC materials in the divertor with quick response time
4. Test of liquid metals divertor concepts, hot wall operation
- Effect of liquid metals on machine performance, comparison of heat flux handling with solid/liquid metals divertor
5. Snowflake divertor
- Experimental demonstration of the snowflake configuration in a high density divertor; direct comparison with a conventional divertor