The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR


COMPASS-U will be a high magnetic field device with relevant plasma geometries, the sort of which is missing in the European fusion programme (and worldwide after the shut-down of Alcator C-MOD). The purpose of the project is to construct a unique experimental device which will be able to support the ITER operation as well as to address some of the key challenges for the design and construction of the DEMO reactor. The COMPASS-U tokamak is being designed and constructed in a broad participation of the European and international partners. The start of operation is planned in 2025.
The COMPASS-U design offers a wide, and in many ways unique, parameter range and a high flexibility of operation.
  • ITER and DEMO relevant geometry
  • High magnetic field (5 T), high density (~ 1020 m-3)
  • Advanced plasma configurations (double null, snowflake, negative triangularity)
  • Closed and well diagnosed high density divertor
  • Hot-wall operation (up to 500°C)
  • High PB/R ratio (PB/qAR ratio)
  • High power fluxes in the divertor (λ~ 1 mm)
  • Possibility to study physics of advanced modes (QH-mode, I-mode, EDA-mode, etc.)
  • European test facility for the use of the liquid metal technology for the plasma and power exhaust
High capability to address the key plasma exhaust physics challenges



























3D view inside COMPASS-U