The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

Main features of the COMPASS tokamak

  • ITER-like geometry with a single-null-divertor (Fig. 1)

  • Clear high confinement mode (H-mode) in ohmic regime

  • Unique set of saddle coils for the resonant magnetic perturbation.

  • Flexible neutral beam injection heating system (NBI) for ion heating

  • Comprehensive set of diagnostics focused on the edge plasma

  • High flexibility in tokamak operation and planning

  • Low-cost fusion experiment




 Comparison of the plasma cross-section of tokamaks with ITER-relevant plasma shapes


Model of the COMPASS vacuum vessel, toroidal and poloidal coils


Model of the COMPASS vacuum vessel, toroidal and poloidal coils



 Fig. 1: Comparison of the plasma cross-section of tokamaks with ITER-relevant plasma shapes (left) and model of the COMPASS vacuum vessel, toroidal and poloidal coils (right)