Institute of plasma physics › Structure of IPP › Fusion Plasma Division › Structure and Groups › Theory and modeling
The Theory and Modeling Group focuses on theory and modeling of the plasma transport in the core, pedestal and Scrape-off layer (SOL), NBI and ECRH heating and runaway electron dynamics in existing (COMPASS, JET, ASDEX Upgrade, MAST-U, TCV) and future tokamaks (COMPASS-U, JT-60SA, ITER, DEMO). For numerical modelling are used numerical tools developed in different plasma laboratories worldwide, as well in-house developed codes (BIT1,3, EBdyna, NUR, PLEQUE, SOLF1D, SPICE2,3).
Group members are involved in a broad international collaboration, in scientific activities of the EUROFusion consortium via different Work Packages and E-TASC (Theory and Advanced Simulation Coordination) projects, in different ITPA (International Tokamak Physics Activity) groups and directly with ITER Organization, via direct ITER projects and ISNF (ITER Scientists Fellows’ Networks).
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