The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

Head of Division

Ing. Martin Hron, Ph.D.

Tel.: (+420) 266 053 947


Fax: (+420) 286 586 389



Ivana Švadlenková

Tel.: (+420) 266 053 574


Fax: (+420) 286 586 389





Research focus

Research is directly linked to the international long-term efforts in mastering thermonuclear fusion.
Experimental research in is based on the use of the Czech tokamak COMPASS and on other European facilities within the EUROfusion consortium: JET, ASDEX Upgrade, WEST and TCV.
Theory and modelling efforts support and interpret existing experimental activities within the Fusion Plasma Section as well as within EUROfusion, develop and validate numerical codes and further the physics basis understanding and developments of the future devices COMPASS Upgrade, ITER and DEMO.
Diagnostic developments operate and improve the COMPASS diagnostics, develop new diagnostic methods, design and construct systems for COMPASS Upgrade, ITER, and JT-60SA and develop diagnostic systems for DEMO.
Technology R&D activities are represented by designs and developments of systems for the COMPASS Upgrade tokamak.
The scientific focus comprises the following fields:
        I.    L-H transition and H-mode studies (L-H threshold, transport barriers, zonal flows and geodesic acoustic modes, etc.)
      II.    Physics of the tokamak edge and SOL plasma (pedestal characterization, ELMs, pedestal and SOL scalings, SOL and divertor plasma parameters, etc.)
     III.    Heat flux and power exhaust (plasma-wall interaction, heat loads and their scaling, impurity seeding, detachment, etc.)
    IV.    Tokamak core plasma (scenarios optimization, Alfven modes studies)
      V.    Runaway electrons (RE beam generation, control, and mitigation)
    VI.    Disruption studies (toroidal asymmetries, sideway forces, etc.)
   VII.    Diagnostics development for future fusion devices (Hall sensors for ITER and DEMO)
The team has established an extensive and growing collaboration with both Czech and foreign world-leading research organizations and universities, including the ITER Organisation, EUROfusion laboratories, the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, etc.
The Fusion Plasma Section operates the COMPASS infrastructure, which consists of the tokamak device with a divertor and its auxiliary systems. The COMPASS tokamak represents one of the key facilities in the joint European effort within the EUROfusion consortium. The infrastructure also provides open access to a wide user community: scientists from international laboratories as well as students from national and foreign universities. Thus, the team enhances the education in the field of high-temperature magnetized plasma physics.

Since December 2017, the team implements the project “COMPASS-U: Tokamak for cutting-edge fusion research”  which includes the design and construction of a new high magnetic field tokamak COMPASS Upgrade which will replace COMPASS (to be shut down in 2nd quarter 2021) as the core of the infrastructure.





Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS
Fusion Plasma

U Slovanky 2525/1a
182 00 Prague 8
Czech Republic


Budova Tokamak

Location: U Slovanky 1770/3 Map




J. Adámek

E. Belonohy

P. Bílková

K. Bogár

O. Bogár

I. Borodkina

P. Böhm

A. Casolari

J. Cavalier

R. Dejarnac

M. Dimitrova

I. Ďuran

S. Entler

P. Háček

J. Havlíček

A. Havránek

J. Horáček

M. Hron

O. Hronova

M. Imríšek

F. Jaulmes

M. Jirsa

D. Kekrt

M. Komm

K. Kovařík

M. Král

J. Krbec

T. Markovič

E. Tomešová

J.R. Mendonca

I. Mysiura

D. Naydenkova

P. Pavlo

R. Pánek

A. Podolník

J. Řeboun

J. Seidl

O. Shyshkin

D. Tskhakaya

P. Turjanica

J. Varju

P. Vondráček

V. Weinzettl

V. Yanovskiy

PhD Students

J. Čaloud

J. Čečrdle

M. Farník

O. Ficker

M. Gleitz*

J. Hečko

K. Hromasová

V. Ivanov

L. Kripner

P. Mácha




PhD Students

J. Oliveira

M. Peterka

J. Svoboda

V. Škvára*

M. Šos

M. Tomeš

A. Torres

J. Vinklárek


O. Bareš

A. Beltrami*

A. Bogdanov

V. Dědek

J. Dlouhý

V. Hejlíček*

J. Hušek

M. Ivánek*

J. Králík*

L. Lobko*

T. Loskot*

S. Lukeš*

M. Orduna*

F. Papoušek*

Š. Pírek

A. Procházka*

M. Vaňáková

O. Zajan*

N. Zakucia


P. Bartoň

P. Bělina

P. Bolmhagen

P. Boócz

M. Boušek

M. Cihlář

J. Čeřovský

M. Ďurovec

A. Endrychová

Š. Fuková

I. Hanák

P. Holejšovská

J. Hromádka

J. Chlum

O. Chvátal

M. Jeřáb

P. Junek

J. Klíma

D. Kománek

D. Kropáčková

K. Mikszuta-Michalik

P. Müller

I. Němec

A. Paglini

K. Patočka

K. Pelc

O. Peroutka

J. Preinhaelter

J. Převrátil

M. Rejent

V. Sedmidubský

P. Sládek

V. Smolík

M. Šebík

D. Šesták

J. Špaček

J. Šticha

O. Štukavec

I. Švadlenková

M. Tadros

S. Tokoš

M. Varavin

R. Vaverka

V. Veselovský

J. Zelda

A. Žák

* Students without employment contract