Institute of plasma physics › Structure of IPP › Fusion Plasma Division › COMPASS › Diagnostics › Spectroscopic diagnostics
Thomson scattering diagnostics
Measured quantities: |
Electron temperature, electron density |
Spatial resolution: |
Temporal resolution: | 30 Hz with double probing energy 60 Hz two measurements with variable time gap (1 μs – 17 ms) running at 30 Hz |
Responsible person: | |||||
Collaboration: |
Electron Kinetics Group, MAST Tokamak, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Abingdon, UK FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, Nieuwegein, Netherlands Institute for Energy Research – Plasma Physics, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany Department of Control Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic |
Thomson scattering is a laser-aided diagnostic widely used in the field of high-temperature plasma diagnostics
Perform well localized measurements of the electron temperature and density in the plasma
Scattering of monochromatic electromagnetic radiation from hot electrons in a plasma leads to a spectral broadening of the scattering spectrum due to the Doppler effect
Electron temperature is determined from a spectral width of the Thomson scattered signal, electron density from scattered signal intensity

Two Nd:YAG lasers (1064 nm): 1.5 J energy, 7 ns pulse duration, 30 Hz repetition rate each
Two objectives for collecting the scattered light from both the core and the edge plasma regions. The light is then focused on bundles of optical fibres
Optical fibres to transfer the scattered light to polychromators:
12 bundles of fibres for core plasma region
16 bundles of optical fibres to for the edge plasma region
1 special bundle for alignment of the diagnostic
Polychromators for spectral analysis of the scattered light
28 polychromators analyzing the light from 56 spatial points in plasma (2 adjacent spatial points served by one polychromator) and 1 polychromator used for both alignment and the light spectral analysis
Spectral analysis done by a set of five spectral filters specifically designed for the range of temperatures of 10 eV – 5 keV
Detectors - Avalanche photodiodes possessing enhanced infrared sensitivity, developed specifically for the needs of this diagnostic
Fast analog-digital converters (ADCs) for digitization of analog signals coming from detectors
Signals (120 spectral channels) from polychromators are synchronously digitalized by fast and slow ADCs
The fast ADCs convert data with high throughput of 1 GSample/sec and 8 bit resolution
The slow digitizers: 16 bit ADC per channel with sampling rate of 500 kSample/sec

Fig.1: Spatial profiles measured by Thomson scattering for shot No 6962. From the top: Electron temperature, electron pressure and electron density.