The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR



Show Ongoing Grant Projects

Project Title (Principal Investigator) Project ID Period
Plasma applications for smart and sustainable agriculture (Ing. Petr Lukeš, Ph.D.)
COST CA19110   2020-2024
Characteristics of chemically reactive liquids produced by non-equilibrium plasma (Ing. Petr Lukeš, Ph.D.) GA19-25026S   2019-2022
Intense electronic excitations and ionizations in electrical discharges in fluids (Ing. Alexandr Frolov, Ph.D.) LTC20061   2020-2022
Research in the frame of International centre for dense magnetized plasma (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) LTT17015   2018-2021
Fundamental phenomena of nanosecond discharge in liquid water (RNDr. Milan Šimek, Ph.D.)
Experimental study of acoustical characteristics of underwater high voltage electrical discharge (Ing. Vitaliy Stelmashuk, Ph.D.)
Advanced research of kinetic processes in streamer discharges (RNDr. Milan Šimek, Ph.D.) GA15-04023S   2015-2017
Plasma-liquid interactions in organic solutions induced by high-voltage electrical discharges (Ing. Petr Lukeš, Ph.D.) GA15-12987S   2015-2017
Chemical processes initiated by electrical discharge plasma in aqueous liquids for new applications (Ing. Petr Lukeš, Ph.D.) LD14080   2014-2016
Surface nanostructuring of various materials exposed to intense extreme ultraviolet and X-ray radiation (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) GA14-29772S   2014-2016
Optimization of ozone production and its transport efficiency (RNDr. Milan Šimek, Ph.D.) TA03010098   2013-2016
New atmospheric plasma sources based on surface barrier discharges for biomedical applications (RNDr. Milan Šimek, Ph.D.) LD13010   2013-2015
Research in the Frame of the Internatinal Center for Dense Magnetized Plasmas (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) LG13029   2013-2015
Characterization of physical and chemical processes in underwater discharge plasma for biological and biomedical applications (Ing. Petr Lukeš, PhD.) M100431203   2012-2015
Laboratory discharges for simulating and investigating Transient Luminous Events (RNDr. Milan Šimek, Ph.D.) M100431201   2012-2015
Advanced optical diagnostics of non-equilibrium micro-discharges (RNDr. Milan Šimek, Ph.D.) GAP205/12/1709   2012-2014
Effects of electrical discharge plasmas on chemical and biological contamination in water (Ing. Petr Lukeš, Ph.D.) IAAX00430802   2008-2012
Research in the Frame of the International Center for Dense Magnetized Plasmas - ICDMP (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) LA08024   2008-2012
Creating and probing nanostructures with X-ray lasers (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) KAN300100702   2007-2011
New trends in ozone generation (RNDr. Milan Šimek) GA202/09/0176   2009-2011
Focused tandem shock waves and their potential application in cancer treatment and controlled drug delivery (Ing. Petr Lukeš, Ph.D.) GA202/09/1151   2009-2011
Biological and chemical decontamination of water by electrical discharges (Ing. Petr Lukeš, PhD.) MEB0810116   2010-2011
Study of nonequilibrium kinetics of plasmachemical reactions in atmospheric gases at reduced pressure for applications in analytical chemistry (RNDr. Milan Šimek) GA202/08/1106   2008-2010
The extension of the research on soft X-ray sources based on the fast capillary discharge. (Mgr. Jiří Schmidt, Ph.D.) KJB100430702   2007-2009
Radiation of pulse high-current discharges stabilised by proximity wall (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) GA202/06/1324   2006-2008
Mutual interaction of two subsequently generated shock waves focused to a common focus (Doc. Ing. Pavel Šunka, CSc.) GA202/05/0685   2005-2007
Materials and Technologies for Fusion Reactor Components (Ing. Ivan Ďuran, Ph.D.) 1H-PK/07   2004-2007
Research in frame of the International Center for Dense Magnetized Plasma (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) 1P04LA235   2004-2007
Experimental and modelling studies leading ot onhanced generation and de-NOx processes in non-equilibrium, atmopsheric-pressure discharges (RNDr. Milan Šimek) IAA1043403   2004-2006
Radiation processes in pulse high-current discharges (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) GA202/03/0711   2003-2005
Combined Pulsed High-voltage Discharge for Water Treatment (RNDr. Martin Člupek, CSc.) GA202/02/1026   2002-2004
Water treatment by pulsed corona discharge in combination with TiO2 photocatalysis (Ing. Petr Lukeš, PhD.) ME 541   2002-2004
Study of non-equilibrium kinetics of pulsed corona discharge at atmospheric pressure (RNDr. Milan Šimek) IAA1043102   2001-2003
Generation of focused shock waves by pulse electrical discharges in water and their application in medicine (Doc. Ing. Pavel Šunka, CSc.) IBS2043004   2000-2003
An International Collaboration on Electrical Discharge Reactors for the Degradation of Organic Dyes (Doc. Ing. Pavel Šunka, CSc.) ME 472   2001-2003
Generation of chemically active species by electrical discharges in water (Doc. Ing. Pavel Šunka, CSc.) GA202/99/0305   1999-2001
Discharge based high-brightness soft X-ray sources (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) GA202/98/0831   1998-2000
Set-up of a computer network for the PALS international user's laboratory (RNDr. Václav Babický) LB98223   1998-2000
Pulsed corona discharges for plasmachemical destruction of organic pollutants in air and water (Doc. Ing. Pavel Šunka, CSc.) GA202/96/0746   1996-1998
Turbulent processes at the interaction of intense relativistic electron beam (IREB) with a plasma (Ing. Jiří Ullschmied, CSc.) IAA1043504   1995-1997
Study of the processes in the plasma created in Ar-N(2)-CH(4) mixture (Mgr. František Krčma, CSc.) IAC1043601   1996-1996
11th international Conference on High Power Particle Beams (BEAMS'96) (Ing. Karel Jungwirth, DrSc.) PG96029   1996-1996
Non-Equilibrium Atmospheric Plasma Generation for Research of Plasmachemical Reactions in the Flowing Gas (Doc. Ing. Pavel Šunka, CSc.) GA202/93/1022   1993-1995
Complex Physical Characterization of Z-Pinch Plasmas (RNDr. Aleš Krejčí, CSc.) GA202/93/1023   1993-1995
Dynamics of Strong Supersonic Langmuir Turbulence (Ing. Karel Jungwirth, CSc.) IA14354   1992-1994
Dynamics of a Bounded Plasma at High Energy Deposition Rates (Ing. Jiří Ullschmied, CSc.) IA14358   1992-1994
Measurement of regular electric fields of strong Langmuir turbulence by intracavity dye laser spectroscopy (RNDr. Karel Koláček, CSc.) IA14303   1991-1993