The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR


Management (Research): Mgr. Aleš Podolník, Ph.D.
Project Name: COMPASS-RI 3
OP Name: Johannes Amos Comenius Programme
Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Call Name: Research Infrastructures I
Priority: 1 Research and development
Project registration number: CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008187
Expected start/completion date: April 1, 2024 - December 31, 2026
Total resources:  405 332 015,00 CZK
Union contribution: 282 516 414,46 CZK
National public resources: 102 548 999,79 CZK
Own source of financing: 20 266 600,75 CZK

Description of the project:

The aim of the proposed project is to implement a strategic upgrade of the COMPASS research infrastructure, which will make it possible to significantly expand the research area of the infrastructure and the portfolio of services provided to external users towards new and highly topical topics of fusion research. The upgraded and expanded infrastructure will be a key experimental facility for research on topics of priority for both the European EUROfusion consortium and the ITER project.

European Structural and Investment Funds.


The project is co-financed by EU.