All components of the Power Supply System have been successfully manufactured, tested, handed over and the installation of this complex power system, which occupies an area of over 1000 m2, has started in the relevant areas of the COMPASS-U tokamak hall.
At present, the installation of thyristor power supplies for powering the toroidal coils of the tokamak and especially power supply for the poloidal field coils, which are used for the plasma discharge break-down and subsequently control the position and shape of the plasma, is in progress. This power supply consists of 16 large cubicles, each weighing in excess of 3 tonnes, and integrates more than 1000 IGBT power transistors with a common shared capacitor bank into a single system. The total nominal pulsed power output of the power supply reaches almost 400 MVA, which is more than half of the annual average instantaneous power consumption of the entire city of Prague.
Photo: IPP
31 Oct 2023