The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

Klára Bogár was awarded a prestigious European grant

Klára Bogár from the Fusion plasma division of IPP was awarded a prestigious European grant: Bernard Bigot 3/7 Grant for young scientists.


She has a background in fast ion physics, which she studied on the COMPASS tokamak as well as on Eurofusion devices such as ASDEX Upgrade (Germany) or TCV (Switzerland). Within this grant, K. Bogár’s focuses on the role of edge fast ions in formation and maintenance of QH-mode, which is one of the promising confinement modes for the future fusion power plants. The fast ions are essential for the achievement of this mode, especially in the edge region, where the transport barrier, which is responsible for improved confinement, is formed.

Thanks to this grant K. Bogár will be able to perform her research in close collaboration with the world leading group in the fast ion studies at the DIIID tokamak in San Diego, USA. This will enable knowledge transfer from the American group to IPP as well as the Eurofusion community and will be a great starting point for future unique studies at the COMPASS-U tokamak, currently under construction on IPP.

20 Oct 2023