The research of functional diamond-reinforced composite coatings deposited by cold spray technology published in the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology received the 2022 Best Paper award. Within the international team of authors of the study were scientists from the Department of Materials Engineering of the IPP, Jan Cizek and Tomas Chraska.
The paper „Mechanical and fatigue properties of diamond-reinforced Cu and Al metal matrix
composites prepared by cold spray“ (
) presents the principles for deposition of thick and dense composite coatings, consisting of
metal matrix of Al or Cu, and firmly embedded diamond particles. Further, a special methodology
developed by the team of authors is presented for testing of fracture-mechanical parameters of cold
sprayed deposits. Since its publication, the methodology attracts the attention of the scientific
cold spray community and led to an establishment of joint research with the world's leading
research centers, e.g., in the US, Canada or Germany.
28 Jun 2023