Nearby hotels
Hotel Apollo Kubišova 23, Praha 8
Hotel Duo Teplická 17, Praha 9-Střížkov
Hotel Excellent Líbeznická 19, Praha 8
Hotel Fortuna Luna Střížkovská 29, Praha 9-Střížkov
Garni Hotel Hanauer Ke Stírce 26, Praha 8
Hotel Henrietta Ke Stírce 42, Praha 8-Kobylisy
Hotel Libuše Pod Vlachovkou 20, Praha 8
Pension Lucie Klapkova 53, Praha 8
M-Pension Davídkova 2134/94, Praha 8
Hotel Mazanka Za Vodárnou 1, Praha 8
Penzion Sylva Zenklova 201, Praha 8
Hotel Troja Trojská 1, Praha 8
Many companies offer online reservation for many of these and other Prague hotels.