For the first time ever: Protons accelerated in the plasma produced from hydrogen ice by a laser

A group of Czech and foreign physicists at the PALS laser facility in Prague has demonstrated the unique experiment.
28 Aug 2015
SOFT 2016

The biennial Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT) is the leading conference in this field in Europe. It regularly attracts more than 800 scientists, engineers, industry representatives and exhibitors from all over the world and focuses on the latest developments on running and planned fusion experiments.
24 Aug 2015
The Week of Science and Technology 2015

The Week of Science and Technology is the most extensive science festival in the Czech Republic. It takes place every year in November and this year is already the 15th annual event.
14 Aug 2015

ITER is the large-scale international scientific experiment that aims to demonstrate the scientific and industrial feasibility of fusion energy for peaceful purposes.
24 Jun 2015