Show Ongoing Grant Projects |
Project Title (Principal Investigator) | Project ID | Period |
COMPASS – Tokamak for Thermonuclear Fusion Research doc. RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D | LM2018117 | 2020-2022 |
Project ID 633053 - EUROfusion Ing. Pavol Pavlo, CSc. | 8D15001 | 2015-2022 |
Kinetic study of boundary plasma in COMPASS and COMPASS-U tokamaks (David Tskhakaya, Dr.) | GA20-28161S | 2020-2022 |
Advanced liquid metal technologies for fusion applications on COMPASS infrastructure (RNDr. Martin Jeřáb, Ph.D.) | EF18_046/0016011 | 2020-2022 |
COMPASS-U: Tokamak for cutting-edge fusion research (doc. RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D.) | EF16_019/0000768 | 2017-2022 |
COMPASS RI - RESEARCH (Mgr. Michael Komm, Ph.D.) | EF16_013/0001551 | 2017-2021 |
Radiation processes generated by runway electrons in tokamaks (doc. RNDr. Jan Mlynář, Ph.D) | GA18-02482S | 2018-2020 |
COMPASS – Tokamak for Thermonuclear Fusion Research (doc. RNDr. Radomír Pánek, PhD.) | LM2015045 | 2016-2018 |
Study of Zonal flows and Alfvén eigenmodes in the COMPASS tokamak plasma (Ing. Martin Hron, Ph.D.)
GA16-25074S | 2016-2018 |
Physics of edge-localized mode control in tokamaks (Dr. Miglena Dimitrova)
GA16-24724S | 2016-2018 |
Reduction of localised heat loads in divertor of COMPASS tokamak by means of novel active techniques (Mgr. Michael Komm, Ph.D.) | GA16-14228S | 2016-2018 |
Effect of misaligned, pre-damaged, and rough surfaces on erosion and surface modification patterns on W PFCs (Dr. Renaud Dejarnac) | WP MST1-HLT20 | 2017-2018 |
Fast heat flux measurements in divertor region in tokamak COMPASS using ball-pen probes with sub-microsecond temporalresolution. (Mgr. Jiří Adámek, Ph.D.) | GA15-10723S | 2015-2017 |
Study of dynamics of the edge transport barrier on the COMPASS tokamak (RNDr. Petra Bílková, Ph.D.) | GA14-35260S | 2014-2016 |
COMPASS-RI - Contribution to operation and baseline human resources of the COMPASS tokamak - a large research infrastructure of European impact (RNDr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D.) | LM2011021 | 2012-2015 |
Power decay-length scaling and pedestal scaling studies and related diagnostics in support of MST and JET (Mgr. Michael Komm, Ph.D.) | WP14-MST2-12 | 2014-2015 |
Investigation of turbulent plasma boundary of tokamak COMPASS using two deeply-reciprocating probes, interpreted by numerical models (Mgr. Jan Horáček, Ph.D.) | GAP205/12/2327 | 2012-2015 |
Goal Oriented Training Programme WP12-GOT-GOT4TSI “Tokamak System Integration” / Restart activities of COMPASS tokamak (Ing. Martin Hron, Ph.D.) | WP12-GOT-GOT4TSI | 2012-2014 |
Numerical analyses and physical interpretation of the ITER-relevant experimental data from the Joint European Torus JET (RNDr. Jan Mlynář, Ph.D.) | GAP205/10/2055 | 2010-2014 |
Control of edge localized modes in tokamaks by external magnetic perturbations (RNDr. Radomír Pánek, PhD.) | GAP205/11/2341 | 2011-2014 |
Edge Plasma Studies on the Compass Tokamak (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | 16992/R0 | 2012-2014 |
Fast ion temperature measurements in the SOL using the ExB analyzer (Mgr. Michael Komm, Ph.D.) | WP12-FRF-IPP.CR/Komm | 2012-2014 |
Contract of Association - EURATOM/IPP.CR (Ing. Pavol Pavlo, CSc.) | FU07-CT-2007-00060 | 2007-2013 |
European fusion development agreement (Ing. Pavol Pavlo, CSc.) | FU37-CT-2007-00044 | 2007-2013 |
Control of ELM size and frequency using externally imposed changes of the plasma position in the COMPASS tokamak (Ing. Martin Hron, PhD.) | GAP205/11/2470 | 2011-2013 |
Free-boundary equilibrium integrated modelling of tokamaks—scenario optimization and control (Ing. Jakub Urban, Ph.D.) | GP13-38121P | 2013-2013 |
Joint carrying out by the Contracting Parties of activities within the thematic area "fusion energy research" of the Seventh Community (Euratom) Framework Program (Ing. Pavol Pavlo, CSc.) | 7G10072 | 2010-2013 |
Collaboration in Fusion Research on the joint European tokamak JET (Ing. Pavol Pavlo, CSc.) | LG11018 | 2011-2013 |
Electron cyclotron emission and Bernstein waves (Ing. Josef Preinhaelter, DrSc.) | GA202/08/0419 | 2008-2012 |
Multi-range tomographic system for transport studies in tokamak plasmas (Mgr. Vladimír Weinzettl, Ph.D.) | GA202/09/1467 | 2009-2012 |
Numerical Codes in Tokamak Plasma Physics (Mgr. Richard Papřok) | 415211 | 2011-2012 |
FUSENET - The European Fusion Education Network (RNDr. Jan Mlynář, PhD.) | 224982 | 2008-2012 |
Study of power and particle fluxes to plasma-facing components during ELM Control by in-vessel coils in ITER and evaluation of plasma response effects. (Mgr. Pavel Cahyna, Ph.D.) | F4E-GRT-055 | 2011-2012 |
Systematic measurements of the plasma potential and the electron temperature during the L-mode and ELMy H-mode on several large European facilities by using ball-pen probe technique. (Mgr. Jiří Adámek, Ph.D.) | KJB100430901 | 2009-2011 |
Enabling a programme of ITER relevant plasma studies by transferring and installing COMPASS-D to the Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, Association EURATOM-IPP.CR. (RNDr. Radomír Pánek, PhD.) | FU06-CT-2006-00088 | 2006-2011 |
Nonlinear Effects Near Antennas in Tokamaks (Ing. Václav Petržílka, DrSc.) | GA202/07/0044 | 2007-2011 |
Modern trends in plasma physics (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | GD202/08/H057 | 2008-2011 |
Components and technology for fusion reactors (Ing. Ivan Ďuran, Ph.D.) | 2A-1TP1/101 | 2006-2011 |
European Network for Training Ion Cyclotron Engineers (Ing. Ivan Ďuran, PhD.) | FP6-042859 | 2006-2011 |
Thermonuclear Fusion Research on the joint European tokamak JET in Culham, United Kingdom (Ing. Pavol Pavlo, CSc.) | LA08048 | 2008-2010 |
Engineering of Optical Diagnostics for ITER (Ing. Ivan Ďuran, PhD.) | FP6-042884 | 2006-2010 |
Joint carrying out by the Contracting Parties of activities within the thematic area "fusion energy research" of the Seventh Community (Euratom) Framework Program (Ing. Pavol Pavlo, CSc.) | 7G09042 | 2009-2009 |
Co-ordinated Research Project on Research using Small Tokamaks (Ing. Martin Hron, PhD.) | 12936/R1 | 2004-2009 |
Development of the novel method of the direct plasma potential measurements in magnetic confinement fusion devices. (Mgr. Jiří Adámek) | KJB100430601 | 2006-2008 |
Study of edge plasma interaction with plasma facing components in tokamaks. (RNDr. Radomír Pánek, PhD.) | KJB100430602 | 2006-2008 |
Understanding edge tokamak plasma turbulence through direct comparison of interchange model with experiments (Mgr. Jan Horáček, Ph.D.) | EDGETURB 044830 | 2007-2008 |
Physics and Underlying Technology and Keep in Touch Activities (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | ERB-5005-CT99-0102 | 1999-2007 |
Effect of edge plasma turbulence in tokamaks on the particle transport (Doc. Ing. Ladislav Krlín, DrSc.) | IAA100430502 | 2005-2007 |
Measurements of magnetic field in magnetic confinement fusion devices usign Hall detectors (Ing. Ivan Ďuran, PhD.) | KJB100430504 | 2005-2007 |
Advanced topics in physics and chemistry of plasmas (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | GD202/03/H162 | 2003-2007 |
Dissipation of strong electromagnetic waves and its consequences near antennas (Ing. Václav Petržílka, DrSc.) | GA202/04/0360 | 2004-2006 |
Mobility Agreement (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | ERB-5005-CT99-0080 | 1999-2005 |
Technology Tasks (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | ERB-5005-CT99-0001 | 1999-2005 |
3D structure of the edge turbulence and its control on the Castor tokamak (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | GA202/03/0786 | 2003-2005 |
Modelling of specific processes in the edge plasma in tokamak (Mgr. Radomír Pánek, Ph.D.) | GP202/03/P062 | 2003-2005 |
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Role of Microturbulence and Electric Fields (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | 2001-2056 | 2003-2005 |
Anomalous diffusion of plasma particles in electrostatic turbulence and systems of magnetic islands. (Ing. Ladislav Krlín, DrSc.) | IAA1043201 | 2002-2004 |
Particle acceleration in front of tokamak RF antennae (Ing. František Žáček, CSc.) | IAA1043101 | 2001-2003 |
Experimental study and numerical modelling of the intrinsic and seeded impurities in the tokamak plasma (Ing. Vojtěch Piffl) | IAA1043002 | 2000-2002 |
New launchers of lower hybrid and electron Bernstein waves for heating and current drive in tokamaks (Ing. Josef Preinhaelter, DrSc.) | GA202/00/1215 | 2000-2002 |
Application of the TLBE methods in plasma physics (Ing. Pavol Pavlo, CSc.) | GA202/00/1216 | 2000-2002 |
Generation of fast electrons and ions in plasmas (Ing. Václav Petržílka, DrSc.) | GA202/00/1217 | 2000-2002 |
Interaction of intense spatially localized waves with tokamak (Ing. Ladislav Krlín, DrSc.) | IAA1043003 | 2000-2001 |
Deterministic Chaos and its Physical Applications (Ing. Ladislav Krlín, DrSc.) | GA202/01/1561 | 2001-2001 |
Plasma turbulence in the CASTOR tokamak (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | IAA1043701 | 1997-1999 |
New launchers for lower hybrid current drive in tokamaks - quasi - optical grills (Ing. Josef Preinhaelter, DrSc.) | GA202/97/0778 | 1997-1999 |
Plasma density profile changes and stationary electric fields induced by radio frequency waves (Ing. Václav Petržílka, DrSc.) | GA202/96/1355 | 1996-1998 |
Low-Z impurities behaviour in regimes with improved confinement in CASTOR tokamak (Ing. Jan Badalec) | IAA1043501 | 1995-1997 |
Interaction of intense wave pulses with thermonuclear tokamak plasma (Ing. Ladislav Krlín, DrSc.) | GA202/96/1350 | 1996-1997 |
Quasioptical grill for lower hybrid current drive in tokamaks (Ing. František Žáček, CSc.) | IAA143405 | 1994-1996 |
Space-Time Mapping of the Edge Plasma Fluctuations on the Tokamak CASTOR (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | GA202/93/0711 | 1993-1995 |
Reflectometric Measurement of the Plasma Turbulence in Tokamak CASTOR (Ing. František Žáček, CSc.) | GA202/93/1021 | 1993-1995 |
Complex optimization of lower hybrid current drive and plasma heating in reactor size tokamak (Ing. Josef Preinhaelter, DrSc.) | IA143103 | 1993-1994 |
(Ing. Zdeněk Sedláček, DrSc.) | IA14307 | 1991-1993 |
(Ing. Vojtěch Piffl) | IA14311 | 1991-1993 |
(Ing. Václav Petržílka, DrSc.) | IA14352 | 1992-1993 |
(Ing. Jan Badalec) | IA14356 | 1992-1993 |
External control of edge turbulence on the CASTOR tokamak (RNDr. Jan Stöckel, CSc.) | 14310 | 1991-1993 |
Radiation hard Hall probes (Ing. Ivan Ďuran, PhD.) | JW6-OEP-CZEC-05 | 2005-0 |